Ornamentation Project:
Can I Ask You a Question?
As an openly transgendered person, I sometimes get asked a lot of questions. They can range from the profound to the inane to the downright offensive. However, my ability to be seen and identified in the way that I wish to be seen is sometimes based on my ability to answer these questions well. For example, in order to transition medically, I must prove through psychological examination that I am serious in my intent to transition from one gender to another, know the consequences of doing so, and am mentally stable enough to know my own mind.
This piece is about all of the questions I have been asked, at one time or another. The words are layered on top of each other, sometimes clear and sometimes obscured, in reflection of the way thoughts cluster in a confused mind. The fabric is flesh-toned silk, stretched awkwardly in an embroidery hoop like skin set out to cure. It is meant to be an ambiguous work, to chain you down with questions and uncertainties, but leave you with few answers.
Notes: I am quite pleased with this work, actually. This was the first time I've done any embroidery, and I enjoy the looseness and tactility of it. I think it's a process that I will continue to use in the future. I'm pleased with my artist's statement as well, which was an integral part of the project, and actually read aloud in class. *laughs* I'm such a good student.
Project update: All I want to be when I grow up is a man in a dress
This project was due last Friday. The current incarnation of the piece is about as done as it will ever be. I don't like the way this is going, and I want to do more experimentation in order to find a better direction to go in. I got quite a few good ideas of things to explore during the critique, and this is a concept that I want to see done well. It may take me all term to finish this project as much as I want, but that's all right.
It took twelve hours to sew the hair around the top of the dress. It was crazy.
I also have a flickr account of my art online now. Check it out!