I bake my own bread. I started doing it last fall, just after I became vegan and discovered that the only 100% vegan bread that my bakery sells is about $5.00 a loaf. Which is ridiculous. I can buy 5 kilos of flour for that much money, which will keep me rolling in bread for two months. I couldn't keep baking bread throughout the school year - it took to much time - but as soon as summer vacation came around I was up to my elbows in flour again.
I think baking is a creative endeavor. It's a transformation from one state to another - from a pile of ingredients to something beautiful and delicious. Everybody loves fresh bread, when I worked at a bakery the loaves would sell twice as fast if they were still warm. And it's not that difficult to make bread; all one really requires is patience. There's something lovely and meditative about the process. The kneading and the waiting, and then the kneading and the waiting. Then you stick it in the oven and wait some more. I always feel so much calmer after I'm done, more centred, more myself.