I'm trying to keep my creative juices flowing, which is difficult in the middle of summer vacation. My current goal is to draw, or do something creative, every day. I'm hoping this will help me stop being hung up on needing to make Good Art, or come up with Good Ideas. The process itself gives its own satisfaction.

I really admire your masterpiece! You are an amazing artist.
ReplyDeleteI love your drawing of the person with music wings! Fantastic! And you're suggestion to make art instead of being hung up on making Good Art is similar to something C.S.Lewis said about creativity. If I parapahrase, 'Just create, and sparks of originality will pepper your work; if you struggle to be original, you'll probably miss the sparks too.'
ReplyDeleteHi, I keep coming back to your drawing of the person with music wings, and I'd love to use this image on an album cover (me and my wife have just recorded our first album . . . self penned, self produced . . . for the moment). Any chance we could get in touch so we could talk about the possibilty?