Tuesday, October 26, 2010

midterms are eating my brains

Third year is exponentially harder than second year. Just FYI. I won't burden (all four) of my readers by complaining more than I already have about my midterms and my lack of sleep. Here are some links to shiny things instead.

Jan Durina - Beautiful photography.

del lagrace volcano - I believe I discovered this artist doing research into body/identity/gender issues. He's also an amazing photographer. Plus he takes pictures of drag kings. What's not to like?

John Kenn - He makes the most amazing monster drawings on post-it notes. I kid you not. The intricacy and eeriness of his works is astounding.

Kent Monkman - I was actually lucky enough to see some of his work at the Glenbow Museum. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in a museum before. His pieces are technically strong (I hate him so much for being a better painter than I'll ever be), and humourous and yet still contain potent social messages. I also have a signed art book of his. *glee*

- lots of photographers. Beautiful, crazy photographs. Potentially not safe for work, if your work is the kind of place that gets uptight about boobies.

Vintage Blog - A French blog, they post pictures from the late 1800s to early 1900s. Lots of Art Nouveau and other awesome images.


  1. I love the Vintage Blog :) I'm thinking that was totally put up there for me (stop me, if I'm wrong) and I totally love it!

  2. If I'd actually been awake enough to have thought about it, that link would have been for you. XD Although I really think that everybody needs to appreciate pretty Art Nouveau pictures, at least a little bit.
